Tuesday, July 10, 2012

How to save $5.05 Million dollars!!!!

How to save $5.05 Million dollars!!!!  Unplug nearly 10,000 servers!

Yup, that's what AOL did.  The giant America Online turned off 9,484 servers in 2011.  That amounts to about 25% of their networked servers.  They saved $1.65 million in energy bills, $2.2 million in Operating System licenses, and cut off $62,000 in hardware maintenance.  It is also reported they gained $1.2 million from reselling hardware or scrapping the metal.  The energy savings reduced their carbon emissions by 20 tons.

Although they decommissioned that many servers, they ended up replacing about 8,500 of them with newer and more efficient servers that run largely in a virtualized environment. This translates to less power consumption and less maintenance.  

It's reported their net savings still come to about $4million, including saving $2.2 million in software licenses from migrating away from its Sybase database applications.

So, what does one do with all that saved cash?  

Well partner, they make an old western video and put it on youtube....  yippee!!!  


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