SPAM is becoming more and more advanced. No longer is it just a person sending mass mailings from their computer to everybody on their contact list. Now, it is a hacker accessing your Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn account, and sending SPAM to everyone on your contact list.
I'm currently working on a case where a Facebook account was compromised, and now people on that contact list are receiving emails. The subject line of the email is the recipient's first name, and the body of the email contain's "Hey" and then the first name of the recipient, and then a hyperlink to a compromised website.
In this particular case, the hyperlink will take you to a website hosted in Latvia, then redirects you to a website hosted in Edmond, Oklahoma, advertising weight loss without exercising. That website contains a video featuring Dr. Oz.
Now for some more interesting "cover your tracks" maneuvering. The computer that sent the SPAM originated in Lithuania using a third party AOL client. The email said it was from an AOL email account with the name of the Facebook person, but the reply to address is a Yahoo email address.
So, to summarize, this Dr. Oz video has traveled from Lithuania to Latvia to Oklahoma to Kentucky.
SPAM is getting more and more advanced.
Make sure you guard your accounts.